Back Up, Restore Registry

Note: Print and keep this page, as you won't be able to read this if your computer won't boot.

How To: Manually Back Up the Windows 98/Me Registry

Make a backup copy of the registry using the following steps:

How To: Manually Restore the Windows 98/Me Registry

Under normal circumstances, Windows is capable of detecting and recovering from registry errors automatically. If Windows is incapable of this, a previous copy of the registry can be restored manually. By default, five previous copies or the registry are stored. To restore one of these previous copies:

How To: Use Backup to Back Up Registry in Windows XP/2000

We can use the Ntbackup (ntbackup.exe) to back up the registry.

This back up procedure backs up the five system registry  hives (security, software, system, default, and SAM) in %windir%\repair. You can use the Recovery Console to restore the backup system hives.

How To: Recover When XP Won't Boot Due To Corrupt Registry

Follow these steps:

1) Reboot and press F8 when the Windows logo appears and select "Last Known Good". This will restore the system registry hives, if it works.

2) If that doesn't work, we will have to boot to Recovery Console and recover those five backed up files from \Windows\repair to \Windows\system32\config. Then after a successful boot, run System Restore and restore the latest restore point.

For this, follow these steps:

The ability to run System Restore from the Recovery Console is yet to implemented by Microsoft. Until then you need NTbackup to create the backups of the registry. Or you can try the procedure in "How to Recover from a Corrupted Registry" in;en-us;Q307545 . This describes a process to extract the system hives from the SVI folder where SR keeps its restore points, if you don't have NTbackup system state backups.
